Can a Faulty Fuel Pump Cause Poor Engine Start?

A faulty fuel pump can be very real in causing poor starts to the engine and will result in frustrating, hazardous driving. The fuel pump’s primary role is to transfer fuel from the tank to the engine with required pressure, normally within a range of 40-60 psi, or pounds per square inch, making certain that the engine has ample fuel to start up and operate correctly. This will result in a weak pressurization by the failing fuel pump, which hinders the correct amount of fuel to the engine. With an inadequate fuel supply, there is difficulty starting or completely losing an engine.
As a fact, approximately 10 to 15% of car breakdowns relate to fuel system failures, the considerable portion of which happens when there is something wrong with the fuel pumps. Difficult cold starts of a motor, especially after long idle times, are very commonly seen symptoms of a badly working fuel pump. This may happen because of the inability of the fuel pump to develop enough pressure for the fuel to reach the engine fast, leading to longer cranking periods or failure to start altogether.

For instance, a fuel pump with worn-out components or a clogged filter will not be able to supply the correct amount of fuel to the engine at startup, leading to misfires or failure of the engine to start at all. In extreme cases, a completely failed fuel pump will prevent the car from starting at all. According to motoring experts, the situation may be made worse by faulty fuel injectors or a dirty fuel filter, which further restricts fuel flow into the engine.

Most of the fuel pumps in newer cars can last from 100,000 to 150,000 miles, although they could be affected by factors such as poor quality fuel or continuous running on low fuel. A vehicle should be taken for an immediate check whenever there is a suspicion of a faulty fuel pump to avoid further damage to the engine or any other critical component.

In all, a malfunctioning fuel pump will badly affect the engine’s starting and performance overall, and the cost of replacement of the fuel pump varies from $400 to $800, depending on the model of the car and the labor costs. If this is neglected, it could result in greater engine damage; thus, early diagnosis and repair are important.

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